The sunny cross-country skiing trails of South Tyrol

Cross country skiing in the Dolomites

Have you ever dreamed of zooming along the gleaming snow of a perfectly groomed cross-country skiing trail as a breathtaking mountain landscape opens up before you?

With its broad and sunny valley floor, the idyllic Gsieser Tal valley is a hidden gem for cross-country skiing enthusiasts. Our traditional hotel leads directly onto a sunny 45-kilometre cross-country skiing trail that takes you across snow-covered fields and through romantic forests blanketed in white.

Once you have explored this area, you can head straight onto the Pustertal valley Marathon cross-country skiing trail that connects you to Dolomiti Nordic Ski. This features over 1,300 kilometres of trails, making it the largest cross-country skiing network in Europe.

During a day tour, you will want to take a break at one of the cosy mountain huts that serve up both excellent cooking and a unique view of the Pustertal valley mountain landscape.

  • Perfectly groomed cross-country skiing trails starting at the hotel
  • Dolomiti Nordic Ski, featuring over 1,300 km of cross-country skiing trails
  • Refreshment stops along the cross-country skiing trails
  • Weekly programme
  • Events
From hotel to cross-country skiing trail in the blink of an eye

The home of cross-country skiing!

Zoom along the gleaming snow of a perfectly groomed cross-country skiing trail…